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Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: longue live Classic Shell !! |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:07 am
Replies: 0 Views: 1101
yes! Classic Shell holds the road and is doing well after Spring Fall Creator !! thank you Ivo, thank you all! |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Darkstar Revived [7 style] |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:41 am
Replies: 6 Views: 2479
non je n'ai pas abandonné les thèmes... je ne suis pourtant d'aucune aide concernant ces thèmes là. bravo à Juniper7
no I did not give up the themes ... I do not have any help with these topics. congratulations to Juniper7 |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: WIN7LIKE (Windows 7 style) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:10 am
Replies: 18 Views: 23258
merci juniper7, ce rajout .."only added the shadow for the white text on glass" est tout ce que je demandais ! :) à très bientôt mon ami [blockquote] thank you juniper7, this addition .."only added the shadow for the white text on glas s" is all I asked ! see you soon my friend [... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: WIN7LIKE (Windows 7 style) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:49 am
Replies: 18 Views: 23258
j'aime beaucoup, Juniper7 j'aimerais savoir s'il est possible d'ajouter l'option "[color=#008000] OPTION GLASS_SHADOW [/color] " , comme dans Clasetro ou clrSharp skin7 :oops: j'aime en effet beaucoup cet effet de relief. ce que j'aime aussi beaucoup, c'est... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: No Frills Opaque [7 style white split] |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:56 am
Replies: 3 Views: 1924
beau thème, et joli commentaire ! attendons cette mise à jour ...
beautiful theme, and nice comment ! let's wait for this update ...
Global announcement Topic: Classic Shell no longer in development. Source code released |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:41 am
Replies: 132 Views: 354373
un grand merci, beaucoup de tristesse, mais magnifique histoire "d'amour" (?!) :oops: je tiens aussi à dire merci aussi à Juniper7 les temps changent, mais pas l'amitié ... :) [blockquote] translation google : a big thank-you, a lot of sadness, but a wonderful " love" story (?!) ... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: clrSharp1 2 3 .skin & .skin7 upgraded for CSM 4.2.5 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:17 am
Replies: 8 Views: 8448
merci Juniper7 je sais maintenant le petit secret de ce fameux relief.. :) prenez soin de vous joyeux Noël :P [blockquote] [blockquote] [color=#008080] translation google : thank you Juniper7 [/color] [color=#008080]I now know the little secret of this famous relief... :) [/color] [color=#0... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: clrSharp1 2 3 .skin & .skin7 upgraded for CSM 4.2.5 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:52 am
Replies: 8 Views: 8448
bonjour Juniper7, j'ai un petit faible pour le clrSharp 2 , mais il manque la possibilité d'ajouter son avatar. de plus, j'aime aussi beaucoup l'ombre portée (relief) du texte de Clasetro revC , que j'utilise quotidiennement. est-il possible d'allier les deux ? clrSh... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: LCARS Tactical [7 style] |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:13 am
Replies: 3 Views: 2435
très original.. et beaucoup de travail ! j'ai beaucoup
Very original and a lot of work ! I like very much
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Windows 10 Concept Menu [Classic 2] |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:03 pm
Replies: 53 Views: 33626
hello juniper7, je commençais tout juste à m'habituer à votre thème Experiment: CLASETRO [7style] !!!! :evil: et voilà que vous avez travaillé sur un thème tout à fait différent, beau travail d'ailleurs :) bravo en tout cas ! :lol: [blockquote] translation : Hello juniper7, I just began to become us... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: clrSharp1 2 3 .skin & .skin7 upgraded for CSM 4.2.5 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:03 am
Replies: 8 Views: 8448
hello juniper7 j'aime beaucoup, et il reste cette satanée "lueur" irréalisable ! beau travail à bientôt mon ami 
ps : je vous abandonne la traduction !!!! |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: clrSharp1 2 3 .skin & .skin7 upgraded for CSM 4.2.5 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:41 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 8448
hello juniper7 ça fait un moment que je "louche" sur ce thème, et un moment que je m'y casse les dents ! je sais que vous ferez bien mieux ! à bientôt [blockquote] translate : It has been one moment since I "squint" at this theme, and a moment when I break myself teeth there! I k... |
Forum: Classic Explorer Topic: classic to explore is to the left |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:19 am
Replies: 5 Views: 2035
Thank you again Jcee I preferred uninstalled then reinstalled Classic Shell, to delete all the old keys of register, and everything is back to normal again  |
Forum: Classic Explorer Topic: classic to explore is to the left |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:02 pm
Replies: 5 Views: 2035
Thank you Jcee for the answer but the impossible to slide this bar towards the right! And I do not know how to add a bar the interest to have two of it!
Forum: Classic Explorer Topic: classic to explore is to the left |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:56 am
Replies: 5 Views: 2035
The bar of classic to explore is to the left! How to put back it to the right? An idea? Thank you in advance
window 10 |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: BatDude (Windows 7 style) & Bad Dudes (lower post) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:58 am
Replies: 12 Views: 8202
Bravo! I am not a fan of hero of movie or BD, but it is necessary to admit that that is classy! Thank you juniper |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Two Tone (Windows 7 style) and (Classic 1 & 2 column) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:00 pm
Replies: 9 Views: 9803
Thank you juniper, it is very kind to have taken time to make him : that was worth waiting! + for the .png image returns the quite magnificent. thank you See you soon
ps : And I believe that I understood everything! 

Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Two Tone (Windows 7 style) and (Classic 1 & 2 column) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:51 pm
Replies: 9 Views: 9803
Thank you my friend I shall make with what I have, little.....  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Two Tone (Windows 7 style) and (Classic 1 & 2 column) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:07 am
Replies: 9 Views: 9803
hello juniper7 Big theme for w7 but for my part I use the classic version "two tone for Windows 10" and I am very jealous of the menu " to user_image " which you propose in your version w7. :evil: Would be it possible to propose it with the classic version? I always look forward ... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Two Tone (Classic Style) for Windows 10 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:30 pm
Replies: 6 Views: 5982
hello Juniper7,
il est parfait pour moi et j'aime qu'il ait beaucoup de paramètres pour que chacun puisse le mettre à son gout ! merci
Hello Juniper7, It is completed for me and I like that it has many parameters so that each can put him in the taste! thanks |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Crystal Haze (Classic style) |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 5:58 am
Replies: 15 Views: 10784
Juniper7 I dreamed about it and you made it! Magnificent, bravo I believe that you are the most relentless and the best thank you  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment time 3 of 3 BlackenLite Trans Edge |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:57 am
Replies: 4 Views: 6493
Haughtiness, which job! It is all that I have to say! color transparent version is VERY nice!  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Adobe CS6 Skin |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:52 am
Replies: 44 Views: 38854
juniper7 wrote: It is hard to figure out what Pipalou50 is saying. It looks like the color is very weak and sad looking, in the previous version, and he can make it better for you.
I believe that Pipalou50 is going to stop playing the sorcerer's apprentices in English!  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment Time BlackenLite 1 of 3 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:11 am
Replies: 21 Views: 12486
Thank you also has Jcee  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment Time BlackenLite 1 of 3 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:09 am
Replies: 21 Views: 12486
hello Juniper7 merci, sans le savoir, vous venez de m'apprendre beaucoup ! je fais des essais et je vous en reparle. amicalement
Hello Juniper7, thank you, without knowing it, you have just learnt me a lot ! I make tries and I talk again you of it. Friendly
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Adobe CS6 Skin |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:27 am
Replies: 44 Views: 38854
[highlight=#efefef][highlight=#efefef]désolée, je ne faisais qu'une simple suggestion, veuillez ne pas m'en vouloir.[/highlight] [highlight=#efefef]si j'avais des suggestions de code, je vous en ferais part avec grand plaisir, mais je n'ai jamais pu complétement comprendre le moyen de faire un thème... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Adobe CS6 Skin |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:19 am
Replies: 44 Views: 38854
avec les réglages ci dessous, je parviens à donner un peu de couleur (voir ci dessous) mais le sous menu, reste gris ( et je trouve ce gris tellement triste.... :| )et je n'ai pas assez de connaissance pour le rendre coloré ! [blockquote] [highlight=#efefef]With the regulations this below, I succeed... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment Time BlackenLite 1 of 3 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:47 am
Replies: 21 Views: 12486
just a small question 

thanks  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment Time BlackenLite 1 of 3 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:04 am
Replies: 21 Views: 12486
The same comment for two other themes |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment Time BlackenLite 1 of 3 |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:01 am
Replies: 21 Views: 12486
hello Juniper7 bien belle surpise pour commencer cette nouvelle année !! :lol: decidemment, vous n'arreterez pas de nous surprendre ! beau travail et quelle impressionnante imagination ! bravo, et merci de vos commentaires lorsque vous postez un de vos nouveau "produit" C'est pour moi, le ... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Adobe CS6 Skin |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:08 am
Replies: 44 Views: 38854
j'aime beaucoup, joli travail ! il serait intéressant de faire une peau avec le choix de transparence ou pas, de couleur ou pas. je vais tenter avec votre aide, de faire quelque chose comme je l'indique plus haut, mais c'est pas gagné, mais la transparence et moi ne sommes pas amis !!!! :cry: amical... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: COLORS LGTB |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:01 pm
Replies: 1 Views: 4639
Just an honoring
Thank you for your indulgence, it is my skin first one.
Lively the differences !
Sorry rough translation |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 7 NeX-P |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:00 pm
Replies: 5 Views: 8053
hello juniper7
Beautiful work, the idea is to dig
thanks  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 2 Handhelds |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:33 pm
Replies: 7 Views: 8340
@ZoNi good evening and if you try, you do? I found that "please" is fairly short not to say "jumper" and well get the addition of a small formula of politeness of the kind: "thank you" or anything else that is looks.
good to you  |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment #6 Frames. |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:09 am
Replies: 1 Views: 3944
hello Juniper7 ce travail mérite un grand bravo.... :P il est vraiment dommage que le fichier "en +" ne soit pas accepté par le site. :roll: merci en tout cas de votre constance pour proposer de nouvelles choses ! :D amicalement [blockquote] Hello Juniper7 this work deserves a big bravo...... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment #4 Dark Cloud. |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:44 am
Replies: 5 Views: 10004
bonjour, j'aime beaucoup cette seconde version, plus complète dans les choix de couleur (et j'aime bien le bleu !) cependant, je l'aurais aimée un peu plus large dans son ensemble, (sous menu exclu). amicalement [blockquote] Hello, I like very much this second, more comprehensive version in color ch... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Bitmap editor recommended for newbies |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:27 pm
Replies: 2 Views: 4069
Merci beaucoup c'est un excellent petit logiciel que je conseille fortement. cependant quelqu'un pourrait il me dire comment faire des ces "coins arrondis" ? merci d'avance amicalement :D [blockquote] traduction google : Thank you very much this is a great little program that I highly reco... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 5 Out There. |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:56 pm
Replies: 4 Views: 5213
Hello, Merci beaucoup de tous vos précieux conseils que je vais essayer de mettre à profit pendant votre absence ! j'ai déjà fait quelque "trucs", mais ce n'est guère convaincant. mais je continue, l'aventure me plait ... à bientôt ;) [blockquote] traduction Google : Hello, thank you very ... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 5 Out There. |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:41 am
Replies: 4 Views: 5213
bonjour, très beau, mais un brin trop "figuratif" à mon goût. peut on remplacer ce fond par quelque chose de plus abstrait, tout en conservant l'idée des stries ? (je ne suis pas capable d'en faire autant, .... j'essaie pourtant !!) :? en toute état de cause, bravo et merci [highlight=#fff... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 2 Handhelds |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:03 am
Replies: 7 Views: 8340
bonjour, j'attends avec impatience vos nouvelles créations, mes expériences en matière de codage sont malheureusement très insuffisantes pour arriver à un tel résultat. mais je ne désespère pas et je lis attentivement tous les nouveau topics. ce skin ainsi que les 3 autres sont vraiment très agréabl... |
Forum: Start Menu Skins Topic: Experiment # 2 Handhelds |
Pipalou50 |
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:15 am
Replies: 7 Views: 8340
Magnifique, très gai.
il y avait longtemps que j'attendais ce genre de peau !
vous comptez en faire d'autres ?
merci :) |
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