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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:14 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:03 pm
Posts: 4
Can you add this feature. I want to get rid of the "ribbons" in file explorer[windows explorer] and bring back the legacy menu bar. I like hitting edit-select all, file-print, file -new folder, and others. You can get the menu bar back in ie10,the control panel and other areas, but not "file explorer". I tried taking a explorer.exe from a windows 7 and xp computer, but it didn't work. Why can't Microsoft give us a option to buy "windows xp 2013"? Other companies sell the consumers what they want. If Ford has customers that want a "Taurus", they make that car! They don't try to force us to use something that they think is what you need!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:47 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:04 pm
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well, Microsoft (and most other Corporate Licensed Software companies) has no business sense. there isnt an employee in the entire company who even has any social skills.

They think they are smarter than everyone on the planet because they actually enjoy C++ and other annoying Programming languages, so they wont ever hire a proper marketing team

and unlike a proper company, they didnt start out with a Mission Statement, or Developing a Corporate culture,and their focus was never solely on the customer & the customers needs & idea of value

its the only product in the world created and sold without the slightest concern if the customer finds it useful or valuable or not

its also the only product in the world that continually developed without any thought or concern for the opinons or ideas or needs of the customer

in fact, they fancy themselves so intelligent, they take money-making decisions into their own hands, rather that putting into the hands of proper corporate Marketing & Financial teams... and they scheme and plan the best way to stretch their little programs to make the most money.. all whilst never leaving their mommys basement, (or a corporate building designed to function like their mommys basement), and never having any clue or care as to what the customer perceives as value, worth, or usefulness

and the world throws money at them hand over fist, and so they do what they've always dreamed of doing, hiring a superhero to vanquish their foes.. only they dont come in wearing mask & capes, they are sent from law offices, and they defend these stunted little crybabies and ensure nobody else on earth will ever be able to use their technology, effective forming a monopoly, and thereby eliminating the need for development with a focus on customers that comes from competitive capitalist commerce.. allowing them to continue doing things with their heads in each others special places.

and the people in government in the 1990's and even today are technologically clueless, and are happy to give free reign for these companies to do with us as they will

and in reality, they are likely bought, owned, and/or infiltrated by the NSA or CIA or HLS and are specifically designed to allow them to freely access and manipulate whoever's computer they see fit, by programming in countless ineffective components & services and giving it all a clearly non-transparent interface which limits the users control & understanding of what is happening on their own computer..

the bad side is of course, that alot of viruses can get through, a small price to pay for government & corporate worming, surveillance, control, and manipulation

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:36 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:38 am
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@core, this is not supported by Classic Shell but as an unofficial 'use at your own risk' workaround, use Winaero's Ribbon Disabler to disable the Ribbon: Note that it patches a system file, so if Microsoft releases an update to that file, the Ribbon may return.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:36 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:03 pm
Posts: 4
Thanks GauravK, The ribbon disabler not only got rid of the ribbons, but more importantly put the file,edit,view [i.e. the menu bar] back!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:58 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:44 pm
Posts: 1939
actually windows puts the menu bar back when it detects the ribbon is gone :P i believe. (because some pages dont show the ribbon)

"there isnt an employee in the entire company who even has any social skills."
Thats a bit harsh :P, im sure some of them do have business sense, even if there not the ones in command :P.

"its the only product in the world created and sold without the slightest concern if the customer finds it useful or valuable or not
its also the only product in the world that continually developed without any thought or concern for the opinons or ideas or needs of the customer"
Actually i believe the opposite is true, especially with windows 8, which in my opinion is an attempt to cater to the lowest common denominator. You have to remember that most people honestly just want a computer that 'works' If it can play music/video/internet there happy.. we are the minority, and they can't cater to everyone.
also i can think of several products developed entirely based on the developers needs, and then sold...

"and in reality, they are likely bought, owned, and/or infiltrated by the NSA or CIA or HLS and are specifically designed to allow them to freely access and manipulate whoever's computer they see fit"
Conspiracy? this may be the case, atleast on some level i dont doubt the CIA has hackers, using viruses to infiltrate certain computer systems.. but i cant say if microsoft is/isnt a shadowcorp.. because if they are, im not in the loop :P

"by programming in countless ineffective components & services and giving it all a clearly non-transparent interface which limits the users control & understanding of what is happening on their own computer.."
yes its true, many of there bugs are squashed only to pop up in the very next version of windows :P. and alot of things are really hard to do.., and ideally i would want everything to be open source... (and have a link to the source file, within the files properties dialog). but most users are blissfully ignorant when it comes to computers...

"ensure nobody else on earth will ever be able to use their technology, effective forming a monopoly"
i would have to agree with you there in some ways.. although there are alternatives(linux/os x), they just happen to have the best product (in my opinion). but think about it this way: if X is open source, but cost alot, and Y is freeware based on that open source.. Y would get all the customers, and X would have to fund the operation.. on whatever customers dont realize Y exist..

yes the fact that most programs only run on windows is a bit upsetting, and is the primary reason for me not switching to linux right now.., but hey thats life.. and thats how microsoft stays on top :P

also this conversation might be better suited for the offtopic board. its doubtfull even the origional poster found your post useful :P

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