Is there a proper way to disable the way Classic Shell takes over the copy UI in W7 64?
Things I know:
* This is ironic because Classic Shell started out as JUST the Copy UI. What can I say? W7's is clunkier but I really appreciate its "do this for all conflicts" option.
* Ironically, Classic Shell has no keyboard hotkey for its "More" option that brings the other dialog up. That might do it. Having to click on a tiny link or use the tab key a bunch is frustrating.
* This is probably answered somewhere, but I can't find it in Help (there's no search feature in Help!), nor can I find it in the FAQ or on Google, or searching preferences, nor can I search the message boards for it because the search terms are too common! Even if I'm just searching post titles.
* I should be able to uncheck the shellexts using Autoruns but it gives me a file not found error on more than half of them.
* I love Classic Shell! I have already been ranting about how great it is to a lot of people.