Classic Shell

Customization Improvements
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Author:  Jcee [ Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Customization Improvements

If an icon for a custom menu item is left <blank> its label should be justified left rather than leaving an empty space for a missing icon
There should be a Custom menu item for 'Pinned Items' that determines where this list of items populates (pinning to the right column for example)
You should add a checkbox 'recent programs as menu/list' that makes the 'recent_programs' menu item function as a list/dropdown menu Then require the 'recent_programs' menu item should be required to display recent programs, and allow you to move the list anywhere in the menu.
The 'Show Start screen shortcut' when checked should create a new menu item in the 'customize start menu' tab (so a user can define where they want this link) It should also be in the windows 8/10 tab

Author:  Ivo [ Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Customization Improvements

All menus in Windows align the text for the menu items, regardless if there is an icon or not. I think that looks better than moving the text to the left.

The pinned items can't be anywhere in the menu. They (as well as the recent items), can get too many, and the menu must show a scrollbar. The scrollbar can only be at the top of the left column.

I'm not sure what you mean about the recent_programs menu item. It already exists and you can add it anywhere in the main menu.

You can make your own shortcut or custom menu item with the command "ClassicStartMenu -togglenew".

Author:  Jcee [ Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Customization Improvements

1. Maybe in a scenario where some menu items have icons and others don't; except... the user can always opt for an invisible icon (item 50 in shell32.dll)
2. I assume this is a technical limitation; so ill leave it alone
3. yes there is a 'recent programs' item but when you throw it in the menu it removes the list of recent programs... The way I see it the menu item should be mandatory (because it determines the location for it) to show the recent programs at all, and the option should tell CSM whether its a list, or a menu
4. You can; but then why implement it in such a way? Just include a custom menu item for 'Windows start-menu' less confusing, and more customizable.

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