Classic Shell

Vista-style transparent window frames for Win8
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Author:  Saxo [ Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Vista-style transparent window frames for Win8


I just installed Classic Shell on my Win8 laptop and really love it. The Classic Shell start menu that pops up when clicking the Start button is transparent similar to the way window frames were transparent since Vista. I wished all other Win8 window frames were transparent like that as well.

My question is whether there is a way to have any arbitrary window that opens up in Win8 have this transparent look as Classic Shell. Since Classic Shell provides this transparent L&F the people from Classic Shell might be able to tell how to get this accomplished. I surfed a lot the Internet and all articles I found were saying that Aero Glass is definietely gone on Win8 and nothing can be done about it. That would be too bad ...

Thanks for any hints, Oliver

Author:  Ivo [ Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vista-style transparent window frames for Win8

I can make the start menu look however I want, because it is my software. Affecting the look of other programs, that's a different story. You need to hook all programs in the system and that's a huge task with its own set of problems.

This suggestion is more suited for software like WindowsBlinds: In fact, I'll be surprised if they are not working on a solution as we speak.

Author:  Saxo [ Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vista-style transparent window frames for Win8

I can make the start menu look however I want, because it is my software. Affecting the look of other programs, that's a different story.
I see. I thought it was a matter of using this or that GUI binding.

This suggestion is more suited for software like WindowsBlinds:
Thanks for the link. I guess M$ will have to put Aero Glass back into Win8. Win8 currently looks as sopphisiticated as Win3.1 back then ...

-- Oliver

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