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PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:50 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:04 pm
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Is there a path to launch a slideshow from the current window?

and / or a button to immediately launch a slideshow from a custom folder?

sort of like a screen saver, but you could have several different buttons each to a different folder, that you could just click on to launch it immediately, for ambient display while you're not at your desk

the same button that explorer displays when you're viewing any image folder

cant even google that one without cutting through all the unrelated info

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:15 am 
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well, I can get this far:

rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\System32\shimgvw.dll, ImageView_Fullscreen L:\Tenzen's Data\Wallpaper\Ambient\Monastery.jpg

and it launches a Command Window and then Picture & Fax viewer shows up with my picture, but not in full screen.. meaning it may as well be a shortcut to a photo...

I tried putting the following after it:

nircmd wait 2000

nircmd sendkey f11 press

and that showed the image, but it wasnt til i closed the image that nircmd waited & hit F11

i tried to add %1 after ImageView_Fullscreen, and that executed the nircmd, but not the image

and I tried launching another Bat file containing only the Nircmd functions, after the photo was launched, but the batch File just seems to hang and wait for the picture Window to be closed until it does anything else...

any idea what might get this to work?

there seems to be alot of people with this kind of question on the internet.. but no answers anywhere...


I also tried making a shortcut to the image to open fullscreen,, by clicking "Run Window > Maximized" but it didnt change the size of the window at all when clicked

I also tried adding: -fullscreen after the shortcut path, but that didnt work either

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:16 am 
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Decided to Go with FastStone Image Viewer to Create Slideshow .exe files and just link those to buttons..

its not really what I was looking for... it'll take some time to convert all the folders i need to slideshows.. and also double the disk cost..

I guess I'll just make a few...

anyway, I'd still like a button to launch the current folder as slide show, just for review mostly..

anyway, I think I'll replace Windows Photo Viewer with FastStone.. I'm using the portable version

I might install the full version .. its got alot of cool features, and its really fast & lightweight.. pretty happy with it

creates Slideshows, Good Quick Editing, Compare, Batch Converting & Renaming, Screen Capture, Dual Display, reads Exif, Non-destructive Rotation, nice Skins, Cool magnifiers... tons of good stuff....

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:17 am 
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i know the command bar has this functionality, so there's gotta be a way within windows to do it..
really wish i could replace the command bar since its so un-customizable (you can put pre-made stuff on it but you cant add your own, as far as i can figure) with classic shell; there are a few road-bumps though :P

-allow for 2 classic shell start menus. (i want one on the top row, and one on the bottom where the command bar would be, if i didnt disable it)
-add a 'justify' that will align everything on the top of it to the left, and below it to the right on the bar
-add some of the commands from the command bar/windows 8 ui ribbon to available commands list.
-commands that can change/hide depending on which files are selected (and possibly based on what files are in the folder)

1. IN FOLDER would show only when a certain number of the file type is in the folder. (and maybe not show if more than a certain other type is in there to). when one or more files are selected, all the 'IN FOLDER' buttons would be invisible.

2.jpg would show up when theres 2 or more jpgs in the folder, 4.jpg wouldnt show up unless theres 4 or more jpgs, -4.jpg wouldnt show up if there is more than 4 jpgs in the folder 4.* would show up if theres more than 4 files in the folder.

2. SELECTED would show up only when, one of the listed extensions is selected, you could have 1 text box seperated by ;'s for this

Example: 2.jpg would show up only when 2 jpgs or more were selected, -2.jpg wouldnt show up if more than 2 jpgs were selected. 0.* (or leaving both 'selected' and 'In folder' fields empty) would always show up.

this would really be awesome :P.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:57 am 
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that must be Windows 8 jargon... i have no idea what any of that is.. command bar? must be the same as the Windows 8 UI Ribbon

one thing cool about Fullscreen in Fast Stone, is that you get to a different menu & bar depending on which of the 4 sides of the screen you move your mouse to

it got me thinking how cool it would be to have a 4-sided Classic Shell.. move your mouse to the top of the screen, get a customized menu with a separate start Orb & Start Menu...

move to the right of the screen, get a recent places & recent documents list

move to the left of the screen, get a customized folder list with all your main locations

move to the bottom, get the Quick launch, taskbar, & System tray

each side could have its Orb..

better yet, each bar could have any number of Orbs, and each orb to be a fully-functioning customizable "start" menu

they could all 4 be set to auto-hide or display permanently all around your screen..

imagine 45 start orbs all around your monitor.. each a custom graphic, each its own purpose

that would be super sweet.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:06 am 
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COMMAND BAR is the bar just below all other toolbars on a default windows 7/vista setup. with the preview pane button to the far right.., and text buttons that change based on whats selected.., it is however highly non customizable.. (but it can be removed), and if it can be removed it can be replaced :), keeping the good features it has

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:18 am 
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are you talking about the taskbar?

or the system tray?

i dont remember the default.. but I dont remember any text buttons anywhere.

i just remember those ridiculous buttons that used to move all over the task bar depending on what was open, while they were "pinned" .. the pin to taskbar thing was the worst idea I've ever seen..

and if I recall. default settings were to always combine, meaning u never saw any text, since its not until "Combine when taskbar is full" is selected that you see the icon text

i have the preview pane on the right, beyond the T-clock & System tray Notification area...

then a 50 button 2-level Quicklaunch.. and a taskbar that holds 19 open windows with text before combining.. with a Languagebar..

but still not sure what a command bar is... im running win7ult64

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:28 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:49 am 
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ah, EXPLORER command bar.. i get it..

anyway to hide that?

I've been wanting to get rid of that.. it distracts me from using Classic & QT.. kind of wasted space...

but right.. exactly... if theres a big old button that says "Slide Show".. then it has to be available to us..

I was thinking about a program that you move the mouse over a button, and it shows you the link/command.

anyone know anything like that?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:30 am 
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if you want to hide it, i believe it works on 7/8 to
removes it completely, although i think it may modify system files, however ive used it on windows 7 and 8 before and it worked fine

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