Here is little Nyan Cat [Animated Start Button]
To get the sharp small pixels on the WIN 10 ones,
I used Neural Fractal Image Comparator technology. (my brain)
With the high vertical pixel count on the big & fast one, 19801 pixels,
poor little PixelFormer program conked out a couple times.
For the Win 10 ones, my preference is the transparent, set to 0 Button size.
The big ones will tend to get fuzzy when scaled.
Might be ok at 125 button size, if system is on HDPI 150 to 200 size.
If only pop tart pussy could have the theme song start on hover.
Would definitely add to the silliness of it all.
EDIT: Took the corny one that was made first, out of recycle bin, and added to zip.
Don't know, is it a cat, mouse, bat, or bunny?