Ivo wrote:
If you make the folder hidden, it won't show up in the start menu.
Hey, thanks! Nice! That works.
Ivo wrote:
Adding it to the right pane is easy. You can add any folder you wish there.
Thanks! That's a good approximation...
However (due to yet another annoying microsoft idea), there're
two folders involved here,
the "personal" one, at C:\Users\<...>\Start Menu\Programs\Start-up,
and "everybody's" one, at C:\ProgramData\<...>\Start Menu\Programs\Start-up
In order to keep an eye on what might be put inside either folder (because either one matters, sigh), I would need to add two custom entries in the right pane.
(how unfortunate it is, for us Windows users, that Microsoft failed to grasp the true meaning of
PERSONAL computer!)
But still, that's a pretty good approximation, I can make a compromise or another I guess
(well, a general way for Classic Shell to let me fix this clean, would be to add an generic option to "hide if empty sub-menu" in the right pane entries).