Satuim wrote:
No I have not bothered to replace my system clock, It is fine how it is.
exactly, we can all say something is adequate for how we need or intend to use it.
if it fills our needs, there is no reason to look for a replacement.
I'm sure for some people even windows without Classicshell appears to be 'fine how it is', if it suits their purposes and needs.. and thats great for them. the point is, we should all have what we want..
so there is no right or wrong in terms of what someone should be using.
For some, actually the majority of Microsoft-based internet users, IE is the browser of choice.. they simply feel its 'fine how it is'..
personally, i need Firefox. and I need Classicshell, and I need T-clock.
and thankfully they exist for those that do need them
and for those who dont, they dont really even need to know they exist, if they are really so fully satisfied
but for me, both Microsoft & Apple almost always rub me the wrong way, with their total lack of customizability. As if everybody on the planet all wanted to use the computer the exact same way
I say give them feedom, power, & options. like classicshell does.. to break out of the box, and create something that suits your own individual needs
and t-clock does what Microsoft and apple should do but dont.. give me