Some buttons for the young, and young at heart. (Hosted on Photobucket again because either the image uploading function for the board is broken, or I'm a moron and was doing something wrong.) To download, just right click and save image. Of course, you can size these to your preference in Classic Shell's settings under the "start button" tab, but I find they look best if you set the size in the 44-54 range.
Here's a pack of 5 Lion King themed start buttons.
Next a couple of buttons from the animated PBS show "Martha Speaks".
There we go, enjoy!
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creators/owners, they do not belong to me, nor do the images. I just edited them and made them into Windows start buttons. These buttons are available to everyone for free, I receive no monetary gain from them. Please don't sue me, I have no money and own nothing of value.