I cannot see the www addresses that links in e-mails would take me to. Whilst my antivirus program might protect me, I prefer to first see them and make a conscious decision. The addresses appear behind the not totally opaque Windows taskbar, but are illegible. I want to keep the taskbar having its degree of opacity. The taskbar is set to auto-hide, in its own properties.
I did discover a forum question
and answer http://aureliusq.deviantart.com/art/Invisible-Taskbar-Windows-8-1-492617198 which using imported program and complex settings could permanently minimise or remove the taskbar, but my laptop is a business machine where reliability is key and I have a lots of program shortcuts (nearly 20) on the taskbar where they are really convenient
I am wondering if taskbar auo-hide has been nobbled by Classic Shell. Each time I reset taskbar to auto-hide, it starts to drop down but it pops right back up at once. Any ideas, thanks.