In my lifetime I have experienced many very poor low quality products. That is why the Better Business Bureau was formed. But I do not know of any product as bad or worse than Windows 8 or Windows Vista. They are both of the same DNA. Many products in my lifetime broke or were useless after using them one time...But Windows 8 NEVER worked the first time. Without Classic Shell, Windows 8 is totally worthless and useless. Even with Classic Shell even though it helps tremendously...I still loathe Windows 8. Without Classic Shell I CAN NOT use Windows 8 for anything. But with Classic Shell....I still hate Windows 8 and don't enjoy using it...Basically I re-formatted the drive and gave up and intend to do the same thing with my Windows 8 installation disc that I did with Vista....TRASH CAN. Literally. And I am looking at buying a Mac. I will never again buy another Microsoft product that is getting bad reviews and has NO START MENU. Windows 8 was no more than 50% ready to be submitted to the public for that much. I am being VERY generous to say Windows 8 is half way to being a decent product. It really has a much longer way to go, and I know it will NEVER be anything more than it is now....TOTAL GARBAGE