Classic Shell

ideas for a future explorer
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Author:  RoedyGreen [ Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  ideas for a future explorer

[START]If someone gets around to writing an improved file explorer, here are some suggestions:[/START]
  • Allow you to sort file lists both by file name and file extension.
  • Provide fast viewers (like the old Magellan) so you can rapidly view files without bringing up the entire app for processing them.
  • Display a row of icons, similar to the task bar you can configure. Most of the icons are shortcuts to change the current directory.
  • Provide rapid ways to reconfigure the icons.
  • Get rid of that silly jungle gym of useless gadgets at the top of the file explorer window.
  • Display two panels of files at once. Copy and move imply copying or moving files to the other panel without having to specify the target.
  • Provide commands so that differences and similarities between the two panels are highlighted. Use colour to indicate which panel has the newer version of a file.
  • Let you type a wildcard to limit which files in a directory are displayed. When you copy that directory, only those files get copied.

Author:  Jcee [ Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ideas for a future explorer

@sort by:
You can already sort by name, or by type(extension) with windows explorer. Personally I prefer to sort by name, and then group by type

@Fast views: QT tab bar has a file-preview that allows a preview to pop up when you hover a file (Supports: images, audio, video, and text files)

@Display a row of Icons

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here, but you can definitely configure classic explorers toolbar (or QT tabs bars) This includes adding up, back, and forward buttons, or buttons to any specific directory)

@reconfigure icons:
I have no idea here... do you mean changing the icon for multiple files at once?

@JungleGym of gadgets; Are you refering to the explorer ribbon? Yes, most of the options there, have hotkeys that you should be using, rendering them redundant to any power users. However My mom is 48 and she doesnt know how to copy, and paste.. so I guess its useful.. (Though you can remove the explorer ribbon with a little bit of googling)

@2 panels; Quite a few file explorer alternatives have this feature (In-fact QT tabs bar implements it quite nicely in windows explorer) though, I don't think any of them offer automated comparisons...

@wildcards to limit which files; Your thinking of a SEARCH; something that you can also already do in windows.. (If you type *.exe it will only show the .exe files in that folder; unless something happens to have .exe in its filename

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