Add autocorrection/completion function fot explorer pat, with its custom rules in txt
1. Make any path , exe cmd or other resolve to only path and not execute, same as "show file in folder" c:\folder\file.exe to: c:\folder\ and highlights or not "file.exe"
2. Make resolve not existing path to nearest c:\superwindows\supersystem32\ will resolve to nearest exist path: c:\
2.1 also as first paragraph to second c:\super-windows\super-system32\super.exe c:\
3. Cmd and custom unknow symbols resolve to normal path C:\>”Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\compress.exe” will autocorrect to: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
4. If path not exist or any eror it will blink red without message "error-ok"
Custom updatable: C:\Users\username\folder will resolve if there no this folder to C:\Users\%username%\folder
C:\ windows \ system32 C:\windows\system32