I have integrated the Classic Shell installer using NTlite into my windows 8.1 iso, using:
Once windows is finished installing, I click the start button, the initial classic shell screen pops up to have you pick your style, I click the backup button and load my previously saved settings from XML file.
All of the settings load correctly, Except the taskbar color setting does not take effect until after I reboot.
If I modify the taskbar color, and then modify it back, it will take place immediately without a reboot.
So it almost seems as though on a fresh install of windows, when you load the settings from XML, the taskbar color should be applied twice to overcome this bug.
I do not know if Classic Shell is still open source, if it is I would be happy to take a look at this particular problem and provide a pull request with a fix.
EDIT: I ended up loading my settings via registry, prior to installing classicshell, that worked perfectly

used the info in these threads: