Classic Shell

Can no longer move CS toolbar
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Author:  bloat [ Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Can no longer move CS toolbar

When I first installed CS, I was able to slide the toolbar around horizontally in the Explorer shell window. Suddenly, that no longer works. The little dots you click to drag the toolbar left and right no longer function at all, and the toolbar is stuck on the left side.

I don't know what killed this functionality, but I wanted to be able to the move the toolbar, and wanted it on the right side, for example.

I'm on Windows 8 by the way. Tried repairing and uninstalling/reinstalling already, and it didn't help. Just to reiterate, I'm 100% positive this functionality *was* there when I originally installed. I could dock it the left (seen below) or the right, or anywhere in between. I think there used to be little grabby dots on both sides, though they've mysteriously disappeared from the right side... frustrating.

Also, the toolbar is not locked. I tried locking and unlocking multiple times, and it didn't help. FWIW, I tried checking and unchecking every option in the "Toolbar Settings" tab under the Settings... realizable toolbar, big buttons, etc. None of them seemed to help!

Guessing there's a random entry buried in the registry somewhere that has to be changed from a 0 to a 1? I much appreciate any help anyone can give! :)

Author:  Gaurav [ Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar  Topic is solved

Open any folder like Control Panel or Network Connections which has a menu bar and not the Ribbon, right click the Menu Bar and unlock the toolbars, then move the Classic Explorer toolbar to the right along the same row as the menu bar. Then navigate from that Explorer to a folder with Ribbon and lock the toolbar. Thereafter for Ribbon-enabled folders, it should stay on the right.

Author:  bloat [ Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

Sure enough, that worked. You're the best! Thanks a ton!

Author:  CT71 [ Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

I realize this is old and if no one responds I'll start a new thread.......but this exactly whats happening to me and I cannot get it unstuck. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled Classic Shell to no avail. Any suggestions??

Author:  Jcee [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

So at what point in the steps is it failing?
Can you right click the menubar from control panel, and uncheck 'lock the toolbars'?
Can you drag the toolbars at all after this setting is unchecked?
Or does it simply not save your positioning?
Note: you should close all other open explorer windows first

Author:  CT71 [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

"Can you drag the toolbars at all after this setting is unchecked?"

I cannot. I thought after an uninstall it would bring up the default settings, but it just brought up all my saved settings again.

Author:  Jcee [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

the toolbar position isnt controlled by classic shell, but rather the Os itself I believe.
So to further troubleshoot, you can successfully un-check 'lock the toolbar' and there is a dotted line at the left side of the explorer toolbar, you just cant drag it for some reason?
Are you in the control panel folder? This part is actually important.
and do you see "file edit view tools and help"

Author:  CT71 [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

@Jcee : Yeah I'm in control panel and everything is there. Still cannot move anything to the right.

@Guarav : There's no entry after "toolbar" in my regedit.

Author:  CT71 [ Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

@Gaurav : Shoot my bad, I was looking in the wrong place! Ok, I found it and deleted it but it did not show up on the right side. It looks exactly like the main picture at the top of the post except it also has the "file edit view tools" part of the control panel folder.

Author:  Gaurav [ Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

If you RIGHT click on "File Edit View Tools"..., do you see an option "Lock the toolbars"? Is that checked or unchecked?

Btw you can take a screenshot of how your Explorer looks like by pressing Win key + PrintScreen. The screenshot file will be saved in your Pictures folder (This PC\Pictures\Screenshots). It is possible that the toolbar cannot be dragged to the right even if unlocked if there are many buttons added to it. With the default (less) number of buttons, it is certainly possible to drag to the right on the same row as the Menu Bar, once the toolbars are unlocked. Once you move it to the right, you can re-add the buttons.

Author:  CT71 [ Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

Oh man.......that did it!!!! I deleted all the buttons but one and was able to move it up to the menu bar. I don't want it there, but that is a very very very small annoyance because all I really wanted was to be able to move it more towards the center when I have my music and pictures folders open. Holy friggin' smokes Gaurav, you da freakin' man!! THANK YOU in a large way! I'm very gratified to have had your help in this.

Author:  jbdub82 [ Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can no longer move CS toolbar

Gaurav wrote:
Open any folder like Control Panel or Network Connections which has a menu bar and not the Ribbon, right click the Menu Bar and unlock the toolbars, then move the Classic Explorer toolbar to the right along the same row as the menu bar. Then navigate from that Explorer to a folder with Ribbon and lock the toolbar. Thereafter for Ribbon-enabled folders, it should stay on the right.

Worked perfect... thanks!

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