Today I installed official release of Windows 10 along with Classic Shell version 4.2.3. I really do appreciate Classic Shell. On my PC I have one administrator user protected by password and several family users without password.
Trying user switching using Classic Shell’s user switch button, I encountered exactly same problem described above:
Switching from user with password gets me to login screen. Trying to switch from user without password only causes my display flickering shortly while switching using keys Alt+F4 is working correctly.
User switching by Classic Shell’s user switch button seems to shortly disconnect and immediately reconnect currently logged-in user skipping login screen, i.e. reason of flickering. Same behaviour at Windows restart, where a previously logged-in user without password is getting automatically logged in bypassing login screen.
Remembering what I have read
here, I manually navigated to Windows registry key
and set value of DWORD
Enabled to 1 just before pressing Classic Shell’s user switch button. After pressing button I ended up at login screen as expected

. As Windows is immediately resetting
Enabled value back to 0, value has to be set to 1 each time before user switching.
I wonder if it were not possible to modify Classic Shell’s behaviour to programmatically set this registry key value just before calling user interface procedure for user switching.