Ivo wrote:
Making a full replacement for Explorer is a monumental task that I do not wish to undertake. Luckily, there are already few such products. Do a search for "explorer replacement" and you will find a couple.
I fully understand that Ivo but i was actually calling to the programming developer skilled folks in this forum , The idea is to start a side project that goes hand in hand with Classicshell , code for classicshell and an explorer based on it can only get better .
the idea here is to take the finished bits and pieces of code to startmenu and shell tweaks and combine them with some code from an early reactos explorer before they bloated it up with ActiveX iebased junk .
Api-programming is a bitch and the way microsoft went to move shell32.dll icons and bitmaps scattered into imageres.dll shell32.dll among with other shdocvw.dll networkexplorer.dll explorerframe.dll and so on
my idea is to have the shell team to get a wiki done on all those files and make a more clean explorer that can be customized powered by classicshell which i believe could also benefit in the classicshell development and future versions of windows that have desktop windows removed and replaced by an evil searchbox but we will be forced to upgrade because of the games and hardware support .
So my question here lies : Can we have a developing thread about doing this project in a community effort?