If you're on the same drive, in File Explorer a drag operation is a Move, while if you're dragging from one drive and onto another it becomes a Copy operation by default.
This is nothing new, and I didn't just discover it. However, for the umpteenth time I managed to move a file instead of copying it and it finally occurred to me to seek a remedy. Unfortunately, though the question has been asked online in a number of places, there doesn't seem to be an easy tweak.
I don't know what small-minded Microsoft person thought that making an operation fundamentally different depending on source and target, but it is what it is. And it sometimes catches the most seasoned Windows users off guard.
My questions are these:
1. Since Classic Shell users are often folks who want no-nonsense, works-consistently operation, I was wondering if anyone here has discovered a workaround (ideally a tweak that would just make a drag operation a Copy by default always).
2. If not, is this the kind of option Classic Shell could add? I know it's involved with hooking event handling in Explorer to some extent already.
I hope I didn't miss anything obvious. If I did, please let me know!