I don't know if you are still around OneSerendipity?
I have uploaded our team skin. I tweaked to max thru the midnight hours. =_=
Come hither to the dither noise.
I finished the version of the Vista look-a-like skin. Anyone can use parts of it for their own purposes.
It has modified parts from you both, and of what I had given already, and some new ones too.
I got bugged out looking at all the horizontal banding stripes on the menu.
(low bit image makes transition lines, because there are only 256 steps of brightness)
So I spent time adding dithering to the main menu. It really did a nice job. Thanks old Adobe elements 5.
Bitmap had to be made wider to get full benefit. The 2nd column looks a lot smoother. Unfortunately, the lightness changed.
It still looks half ok resembling Vista, with the black at bottom. The glaring original bright menu top is more subtle.
I put the skin in the "Vista Icon" zip folder. Just take it out of there, and put in CSM skins folder.
If you want to have the Vista icons show on this menu, or your own, put that Vista icon folder in drive C.
Load the Vistalike.xml file into CSM to set it to use those icons.

This folder did not compress well (2.36 MB). If you just want the smaller skin zip (419 KB), uploaded as well.
I was using your nice light powder buttons for awhile, until I used the real Vista.
I figured I better try and use as much original, to please Splitwirez.
Difficult to find buttons in the system, or when I found them, the brightness/alpha does not look the same,
so I made some from screen shots, and others made by hand, from scratch.
The skin can also be used for 150% size. This and the search box padding took the longest to get right.
The last search padding hurdle, was because the top background search padding number was too low.
I kept increasing it until it joins/overlaps with the main menu .
I settled on 99 value, no reason. That overlap is just barely visible on the little white border line.
Unless you really look for it, it hides.
As the power button has to use exact dimensions, I only put the regular size, and 150% size in skin.
For any other dot per inch settings in between 100% & 150%,
I set it so they don't try and grow bigger, and screw up the fake icon look. Now I know why Ivo says that sizing % can be set for different parameters in script.
Could not figure why menu goes out of alignment. Had to set some values to 0%, and others to 100%. Could not figure out how to freeze the size of power button, when it has text on it. The fake icon goes wonky, if anything other than 100%/150% size.

Ooh, I think I know what was going on with the downloaded user picture frame turning grey at top half. If the square part for picture is totally black alpha, the user picture will be same original brightness. If there is some alpha layer value in that square, that will make what ever rgb value visible.
With Vista, MS made it have some fuzzy glare. So it shows some white haze on top of user picture. From the modded bitmap, someone darkened the rgb value, which made grey show.
If you want to reduce the glare more, have to darken the alpha layer, and keep the original white rgb layer.
I modded that downloaded bitmap of yours, or some bodies. I darkened the alpha layer a bit .
Hope you learn from using parts of this, or just use the skin on it's own.
Never figured out Ivo's "font none" thing. Text still showed.
If you use this skin in Windows 10, set the glass opacity to 0 in the "Menu Look" tab of CSM.

If I'm rattling on a bit too much, I consumed a little yeast ethanol, to get the creative juices flowing.