Yeah, I already tried modding it with Resource Hacker... Classic Shell doesn't seem to recognize the .skin file as a regular Classic/Two Column skin file... and yeah, I tried exiting and running Classic Shell again, it didn't make a difference. I used the Metro skin as a guideline (since it's available as a regular Single/Two Column skin), but I guess I should have read the guidelines for editing .skin files a little better... I'm fairly new at this

Thanks for the help

. I will try and mod the file and post results

Yep, your mod basically did the trick

. Again, thanks for the help

. I'll try and mod the icons and some other things as well.
BTW, it was a mistake on my part that the edited skin file I used (the one that I previously modded) wasn't recognized by Classic Shell. The reason was... it wasn't there

. I forgot to run Resource Hacker as an Administrator in order to save the file in Program Files. The funny thing was, it didn't give an error when trying to save it to the Classic Shell installation folder

and I never checked to see if the file was there so...

. Hey, these things happen

An one other thing. I didn't know this, but Classic Shell doesn't seem to like underscores in the file names of the skins. On the other hand, It doesn't seem to mind to have spaces in them

. Anyway, I'll either stick to spaces or dashes in the file names and save the files to the desktop first and copy them to the Skins folder afterwards
