TSN (The Sports Network) [Classic 1&2 style] for CSM V4.3.0
Smokey transparency only, no blur/no glass color.
Was watching sports on TSN,(Canadian equivalent of ESPN in USA).
Got me thinking into making a start menu, transferring the look of some of the scoreboards.
Here you go.

Unbelievably, I found a free "Sportscenter" font, that has the same look as on network.
Appears it is similar to "Eurostile LT Extended 2" font.
Only problem is the height/width ratio is wrong-too wide.
When I tried it, the main menu tends to be half the size of my monitor.
I did not include it. Menu just uses default fonts.
With all the wide borders and buffer padding, menu is big enough, to begin with.
If you want to have no icons on the submenus, there is no skin option at this time.
You would need to turn the "Small icon size" setting to 0 in CSM "Menu Look" tab.
If you want to have your own team logo, with black background, or white background,
then use a transparent .png logo picture,
set up in "User picture" in the "General Behavior" tab of CSM settings.
There are thousands of transparent logos on net.
Was seeing if skin could work as a Win 7 style. Gave up.
With Classic 1 & 2, there is only one main menu.
With 7 style, there are three main menus.
Got too complicated for the search and jump views,
to have alternate positions/alignments. Oh well.
Extra Note
TSN/ESPN does not promote or endorse this menu skin.