Hi everyone!
I'm currently attempting to correct the
French translation, and I'm about half done. The thing is that a lot seem to have been translated with some automatic translator, so there are lots of mistakes, like useless or missing capital letters, wrong or missing accents, grammar, syntax, spelling or conjugations errors.. and also some (or total) non-sense in several sentences.
I'm using
ResHack to read the
fr-FR.dll file, copying the lines I have to correct in a
.txt file and doing the corrections in this file (so the creator can add the lines himself to the
.dll, to not break anything).
I try to correct the sentences, but sometimes I need to look at the original
English text to check if the meaning is the same (or even to actually get it, because sometimes it doesn't mean anything or something totally different). The problem is that I don't always find the line in the program, and it seems there's no
en-US.dll file... so I'm not able to find the string with its number.
So what I'm asking for is: Is there a way to access the
original strings with their index? And how?
Thanks by advance!