Hello Mykou.
My comprehension is not good sometimes.
If the screenshot is of Metro Glass by Van SN-2016,
you've got it working already,

some how using combination of a theme file?
Is it that you want a stand alone exact same skin, but with the invisible 25 pixels/15 pixels?
I can leave his skin just the same way, except for the added bitmaps,
and text at bottom of file, to make it work. Making the bitmaps easy. Adding all the padding combinations takes some time.
Inspecting skin.
Do you want skin to have caption, and single column menu float as well?
If so, I'm not sure if you want me to make exactly as original, or not.
The reason is, single menu uses a different bitmap with color mask,
and caption menu uses regular menu, but without color mask?
Also the original padding changes, with or without user picture.
They look to be errors?
I think I will add the float option for caption/single, and disregard the errors in original skin.
I want to drink some coffee and start on it.
It will take some hours.
Will get back to you on that.
Yes, a job is very important. Got to eat and live somewhere.
Glad you are planning it out ahead of time.
Ever since updating to Win 10 Creators update, I'm staying away from any themes,
until MS fixes some things that went wrong after update.
There are a couple things not compatible using CSM as well.
I did like that very fine detailed black, and white background picture of that girl way back.